[Promotional booklet from the 1920s]

THIS BOOKLET is a tribute to the gods of the hearthside and, maybe, will be found sympathetic with that love of festivities that is essentially English (and not entirely juvenile). It is, perhaps, fitting that it should be compiled by the Proprietors of Stone's Ginger Wine - associated with English habits and traditions for close on 200 years.

THE Party Book

Cocktails and Recipes
Gin-Gin Cocktail.
One-third wine glass Gin, two-thirds Stone's Ginger Wine, three or four dashes Angostura Bitters; shake well with ice.
Rosy Rapture.
One-half Whisky, one-half Stone's Ginger Wine, three dashes Angostura Bitters; fill with ice, shake well and serve.
West Indian Ginger Swizzle.
One-half wine glass crushed ice, one teaspoonful Angostura Bitters, one-half wine glass Stone's Ginger Wine, one-half wine glass Rum; shake well and serve.
Fifty-fifty Stone's Ginger Wine and Whisky (voted the drink of drinks by thousands of golfers.)
Half Gin, one French Vermouth. one Italian Vermouth, one-and-a-half Stone's Ginger Wine, juice of Orange or dash of Lemon.
[Internet Warning - these "soft drinks" contain alcohol - this text is reproduced verbatim from the original 1920s booklet]
Hiker's Haven.
One-half wine glass Stone's Ginger Wine in three-quarters of a tumbler of Lemon Squash. A deliciously cooling and reviving drink after a hard tramp or a vigorous game of tennis.
Take 2 "fingers" of Stone's Ginger Wine and fill up with soda. A most refreshing drink when you are hot; the Ginger Wine prevents you from catching cold.
Stonoda Cup.
Take equal quantities of Stone's Ginger Wine and Soda Water. A few slices of Cucumber or sprigs of Borage. Freshen with any ripe fruit. Add sugar and lemon to taste and a few lumps of ice.
Note. - The addition of one half wine glass of Stone's Ginger Wine greatly improves Claret Cup, Cider Cup, Champagne Cup, Champagne Punch, Port Wine Punch, etc.
Have you ever tried old English Fruit Wines?
Stone's make Cowslip, Black Currant, Red Currant, Raspberry, Orange, Rich Raisin, Elderberry and Gooseberry Wines which are delicious in themselves and make wonderful flavourings for cocktails.

Plant like this is not bought to order.
Why Stone's Ginger Wine cannot be approached for quality.
It was nearly 200 years ago when Stone first made his Ginger Wine. Many of his methods and some of his plant are still in use today! ..... because wine-making is one of those industries of old England where antiquity scores. Not a little of Stone's Ginger Wine's full round flavour and delicious softness comes from maturing it for years in aged wood. Look at the veteran vat in our illustration. This holds 30,000 gallons and is 120 years old. More than a century's soft maturing virtues are impregnated into its wood! Plant like this is not bought to order. It has to grow and takes 100 years of use to complete. Then look again at the old grinding mill. This is not retained in use just because it is old, but because the enormous stone wheel of which it is made grinds the hard ginger root to a powder as fine as face powder and keeps it away from metallic contamination. 200 years of experience is behind Stone's, the Original Ginger Wine, and your palate will tell you it is a classic among British Wines.

With the compliments of STONE'S GINGER WINE
Where can we get this wonderful book?! :)